New York City, January 1978
Album Liner Notes - Julius Hemphill
Baikida Carroll’s Double Solo Album:
The Spoken Word Hat Hut Records #MN


           First off, I would like to make mention of the fact that this time/period is an exceeding poignant one for me in regard to Baikida Carroll. We have just concluded an especially successful series of performances in the “artistic sense” and the impressions of the music we made remain almost tangible in my consciousness. Although we have participated in numerous projects and events over the span of the past decade and I could utilize any one or group of those experiences to stimulate my memory vis a vis my feeling for Baikida, weather as a human being or as a creator or in any remaining capacity now, January 1978, seems to set the stage for my most vivid expression.
           I have had the rare good fortune to witness the fruition of a creative promise initially declared during the formative days of the Black Artist’s Group in Saint Louis, Missouri, 1968. At that time, the gifts (the promises) were evident; but promises are not in the least inevitable. The realization and eventual impact of creative endeavor require consistency, dedication, and inspiration. I consider the opportunity to bear witness to the eloquent beauty of Baikida’s music a distinct honor.
           The format in which the music comprising this album is cast presents some particularly challenging problems to the performer: the points of reference, in a compositional sense, may be obscured and/or simultaneous; the level of endurance dictated by the duration of the performance time is incredible.
           For one to make a fresh, powerful, creative statement under the above circumstances is unusually difficult; to do so in a brilliant manner, as Baikida has done here, is totally unique.
           Baikida Carroll is polarized; poised; at a matchless point between lyricism and fire. I hope he remains so." full review home page Back